Recommended Reading
The Sex Pistols and Copyright Law
The long descent of Chumbawamba
How the UK's Socialist Workers Party's purge in the 80s of its punk/street-fighting members may have led to its current troubles.
Thoughtful analysis of punk's ability to die and be reincarnated repeatedly
The rise & fall of obscure music blogs (a wave this site rode for sure!)
Important critique of the endless memorialization of punk (though it misses the mark in some places)
The violence of the "peace police"
Strictly analog: Defiant Pose zine new issue and 1st issue of Agony Bag zine
Mixtapes donated to the persecuted punx of Aceh Province
A feminist analysis of the Occupy movement
Punks "rehabilitated" in Indonesia by morality cops
Shit-Fi is in the streets. Bad music for the 99%.
The long march of neoliberalism in the UK: even the worst nightmares of punks of the 80s could not envision today's situation