Recommended Reading
Smart analysis of Black Flag and the political economy of hardcore punk at the dawn of the Reagan era
New interview with Teo Hernández
Pervers / Deutscher Abschaum: German DIY, on the awesome One Chord blog
Compendious catalog of Latino participation in classic NYHC, undoing some inherited presumptions about the whiteness of all 80s hardcore
Perhaps the absolute best piece of music writing I've read
The story of Hungarian punks CpG, who were imprisoned for their punk provocations.
Excellent obituary of Lou Reed in Radical Philosophy
Asking questions about urban transformations, economic shifts, and the rise of punk rock, by radical theorist Andy Merrifield
In print, in MRR, incredible interview w/ Dezerter
UK National Archives releases original government documents about Crass's Thatcher-Reagan nuclear war hoax
Comments on Puke Spit and Guts youtube videos
Remarkably good article on Discharge, spanning distance from best band ever to worst disappointment ever
Looking at Detroit's Death through the lens of working-class black history