
July 2007

"Punk Not Rasism" Swedish Gig Listing

I should be embarrassed to post something that looks as poor as this, but I'm feeling shameless today. I can't remember where I found this tiny scan. It appears to be a listing of a week's worth of Swedish hardcore gigs at Cafe Ceasar (yes, that's how it's spelled). My guess is it was in April 1984. What a week: Rattus, SOD, Anti-Cimex, Existenz, TA.S.K., etc.! Punk not Rasism forever!

Swedish gig listing

Anti-Cimex/Arroganta Agitatorer Flyer

Flyers from early '80s Anti-Cimex gigs are tough to find for some reason. I have a few actual flyers, but I found a miniature reproduction of this one in Obituary zine #7, from England, in an interview with Arroganta Agitatorer. The zine was published in November 1984. The print quality wasn't so hot, but you can see all the relevant information. Maybe Cimex flyers are rare because they had boring artwork, so no one kept them! If you have a flyer to contribute, please get in touch.

Anti-Cimex + Arroganta Agitatorer flyer