
Anti-Cimex 3-song Video

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A previously unknown (to me, at least) video of Anti-Cimex has surfaced on YouTube. Check it out here. As videos have a tendency to disappear, get your views in now. Otherwise, we may end up with dead links, as in this earlier post.

The three songs on the video are "Game of the Arseholes"; "I Skuggan Av Ett Krig", originally on the "Really Fast" LP, the first in that compilation series; and "When the Innocent Die."

The video purports to be from Göteborg, and a commentator suggests it's from 1984. That's a decent guess. It's either 1983 or 1984. Obviously, the first track was released in 1984 on "VOAB," and the last on "Raped Ass" in 1983, the same year as the Really Fast comp. The Swedish-language tracks were recorded in the transformation period between the first iteration of the band, with the original singer and the classic "Raped Ass" sound, with Jonsson singing in English. I love the Swedish-language tracks, personally. The band experimented with different versions of some of the English-language tracks with different lyrics in Swedish and English at various points.

The last half-minute or so of the video switches to a different band. Not sure who it is as they don't really get a full song out, but I think it's Tatuerade Snutkukar. Here's a great chaotic video of them for comparison.




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